
Hey Guys!

TargetGirl here and today we are having the very first 'Word of the Week' 
Basically the deal with W.O.W is that in every blog post I have to include that word somewhere in my blog posts until the next 'W.O.W' 

With no further ado the Word of the Week is.....


Incognito, In-cog-knee-toe
1. Having your true idenity concealed
2. An assumed or false identity 

EG 1. TargetGirl is an incognito bloggerEG 2. To travel incognito I will buy big sunglasses and dye my hair.

I like the way Incognito rolls off your tongue, Try it: In-cog-nito
Another reason why I chose Incognito is because I am incognito, Like I typed above "TargetGirl is an incognito blogger"

Incognito is Latin/Greek and used to be 'Incognitus' 

It reminds of a theme song, I will play it below and comment what it is if you know :)

I know the video is probably a BIG giveaway but oh well I couldn't find any better videos or just soundtrack.

See later guys!
xxx TargetGirl
*HINT* "I like my martini shaken, not stirred'
