The Boys....

Hello, its me,

Alright. This post is going to be pretty much dedicated to boys so if your not into that kind of stuff then stop reading now.

If you are still reading then I know that you are interested.
OK, so a few  weeks ago on a online chat hangouts, my 'friend' Austin tricked me into saying who I liked with a code.

My code said: 15640y2356o356537u  You
His said: 323662s65464o367347p567p7537373a Soppa. A made up name.

He did tell me afterwards thou that he liked someone called.
Wait give me a minute for a anon name......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Danielle Thorning-Harding.

Ok. Thats enough for now otherwise I will be caught on the target with my chromebook!!!

TG x
